When running a business, try and keep costs low wherever you can. With heating costs being a big expenditure, it’s important to ensure you keep the system running efficiently and save costs wherever you can. Keeping temperatures at an optimal level throughout the day is very important for your employees. They won’t work well if it's too hot and also if it's too cold. You should also bear in mind visitors to your workplace such as potential clients or customers. Controlling your heating costs means you need to make sure your HVAC system is running effectively. Using commercial heating engineers is the best way to stay on top of your commercial heating system.
Here are our tips:
Using an old HVAC system means it could be overburdened and running beyond its limits of efficiency. Your commercial heating system should be no older than 10 years to ensure it is running on the latest technology. Otherwise, it may be worth looking into a replacement that can offer a quick payback time. At the very least, get your commercial heating system inspected, upgraded or repaired as needed.
You should reach out to commercial heating engineers for regular maintenance. Most HVAC contractors offer annual maintenance plans to help your heating and cooling systems run as efficiently as possible. This helps to identify problems as soon as possible and solve any issues before they become larger problems, leading to expensive downtime.
You should regularly check your sheet metal. This is because leaky air ducts waste hot air and can draw cold air into the facility. This leads to dust distribution and dirt throughout your workplace. Your duct system needs to be checked regularly to recognise any issues.
Dampers should be opening and closing fully. Any heating and cooling valves that are malfunctioning can lead to simultaneous heating and cooling. This can leave you with very high utility bills and uncomfortable or uncontrollable temperatures.
Thermostats have improved significantly over the last few years making them a great way to have better control of your heating system. New ones are inexpensive and are better at controlling a constant temperature. They also offer great flexibility in conserving energy when your building isn’t occupied on weekends or evening hours.
Caledonian Heating & Plumbing Ltd are industrial heating engineers able to assist you with any
commercial heating systems as well as a range of commercial plumbing and water treatment services.. Get in touch today to speak to our commercial heating engineers.
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Edinburgh: 0131 444 2010
Dundee: 01382 413 444
Email us
Email address - info@caledonianheating.co.uk
Edinburgh Head Office
We accept all major credit and debit cards for payments
Edinburgh Head Office:
Unit 42 West Gorgie Parks, Edinburgh, EH14 1UT
Registered Company Name: Caledonian Heating And Plumbing Ltd
Unit 42 West Gorgie Park EDINBURGH EH14 1UT
Company Number: SC243265